Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 3 Recovery

This was a busy day for Everett. His pacemaker wires were removed this morning and his IV was removed this afternoon. He had an echo today to make sure that his heart still looks good since surgery. He is eating pretty well today which is a relief. The best news of today was...Everett graduated from the ICU! He was transferred back to the cardiac floor this afternoon and Eli was able to visit. We aren't sure if they missed each other or not, but it was fun having them together again.
Everett's cardiologist told us that he may be discharged this weekend. We have mixed feelings about leaving the hospital. Today, Everett's nurse had me change out his NG (feeding) tube. I was not excited about this task, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. If Everett still needs the NG after we are discharged, we have to be prepared to put one in at home if he pulls it out. Please pray that Everett will continue to take more by mouth and that he won't need the feeding tube anymore. Pray that his pain will decrease and that his body will heal quickly. Everett has some skin breakdown on his neck and face from the tape and betadine used during surgery. Please pray for it to heal quickly and that it will not become infected. We are amazed by the healing that has already occurred so quickly and we know it is God's grace. Everyone here has grown to love little man and we can't say we blame them. He is a pretty special little guy and we feel honored to be his parents. Thank you for praying.


Picture of Everett after the pacemaker wires were removed and of Everett and Eli together again after leaving the ICU


  1. Caroline,
    I have not met you, but your beautiful and caring sister, Laurel, watches my baby girl, Carter Louise. I have been getting updates through Laurel. Carter gal and I have been praying for little Everett every night. The Lord must have mighty plans for Mr. Everett, as He has made him a fighter from day one. We will continue to pray for you and your family during this time of faith and hope. So glad to hear all the good news. May your Easter be blessed!

    Sarah Cohea

  2. Dear Caroline and Blake,

    You both have gone through so much this past year and I know you are not the same people because of all the things you have experienced. It is such a privilege for us to be praying for your family and I know you are rejoicing at the mercy of God. Because of the season we are going through, Jesus shares with us of the pain and suffering and the horrific treatment as He followed through with God's plan for our eternity with Him. He knows of our secret feelings and emotions as we live through trials and tribulations. He holds us close to Himself and comforts us as we go forward. It must bring a smile to your heart and your face to see God's mercy and His grace in the precious lives of your babies and their fight to live. Let these memories be your foundation for you as you continue to build your lives as Christians. You both play such an important role in their lives and we pray for Eli and Everett to become the godly men that God desires them to be and you and Blake to be their role models. No one can ever take away - today, here, now, away from you. Hold tightly to these blessings, truths as you walk together in the future. We love you, Carl and Bonnie

  3. What better than a mommy whose a nurse to take care if him Caroline!!! Praise God!!!

  4. Everett is looking so much better even than just before the surgery. Eli is looking good too.

    So glad you're getting this milestone behind you.

    Praying for your guys and your little guys.

    Paula Bloom
