Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

This entry is a day late but full of good news! Everett's chest X-Ray was clear Sunday morning and he ate well through Saturday night. His cardiologist was pleased and gave us the order to be discharged. We are staying in Dallas until our follow up appointment on Wednesday morning. The doctor wants to make sure he is gaining weight and that there are no surgical complications before we get the green light to go back to OK. We are thrilled to have Everett out of the hospital but it feels strange that we still can't take him home. Please continue to pray for his healing. He is doing better overall with pain, but still has a rough time in the evening hours. Please also pray that he will eat better every day and that he will gain weight. Everett had problems with reflux prior to surgery and tonight it seems to be causing him problems again during feedings. Eli has been battling reflux as well as a rash and upset tummy. Prayers for both boys to be healed from digestive problems are appreciated.

It is hard to believe that one week ago today our son had open heart surgery. When I think back on all the fear and dread that we experienced in the days leading up to surgery and during the 4+ hours he was in surgery, I am overcome by God's grace that upheld us. He sent so many people to bless and encourage us during that time. He orchestrated every detail so that Everett could get the best possible care. We were treated so well at Children's Medical Center that I actually miss his nurses and doctors since we left.

Through the past 11 days, we have seen a lot of families in similar circumstances. It is easy to think, "Why is this happening to my baby?" But, I am humbled by the parents I have met whose children won't leave the hospital for months or who have already endured multiple surgeries. I am so thankful that God created and then gifted a surgeon who could operate on the hearts of tiny infants. He created teams of caring nurses and doctors who walked us through every step of Everett's surgery and recovery process. He gave us his love and comfort through our families who have helped bear the burden of the last 2 weeks. I can't count the number of blessings he has laid before me in just 11 days. This time last week I was so tired I couldn't walk without help. Tonight I saw a mother carrying her toddler who is balding from chemo. She was probably 9 months pregnant. What can I possibly complain about? I am not the only mother who has watched her child suffer. I am not the only mother who is exhausted. God has never let us down. He is always with us, carrying us through all of life's challenges. He is healing my son and it looks like we won't ever have to endure another heart surgery. But even if we do, we know that he will provide just like he always does. Thank you all a thousand times for your prayers. May God bless you abundantly. We will update you after Everett's checkup on Wednesday.



  1. I pray for all the things you have named and that your family can all be together at home and find life eventually settling into some kind of routine. The boys are blessed to have committed parents and all of you to have your wonderful extended family.

  2. beautiful words <3 <3 <3 so glad Everett is healthy enough to go home!! we'll definitely keep his continued healing, as well as his brother's, in our prayers!
