Friday, April 5, 2013

We're Home!

Praise the Lord! After 13 days, we are finally back home with our sweet boys! Everett had his checkup Wednesday morning and he passed every test with flying colors.  His chest X-Ray was clear of fluid and his heart is back to normal size already.  We knew that Everett had heart failure from the VSD but we didn't know that his heart had already become enlarged from working so hard.  It was amazing to see the difference on his X-Ray before surgery compared to after surgery.  In just 10 days his heart had returned to normal size.  Isn't God amazing? He designed our bodies with the most incredible healing capabilities.  Everett's blood work and echo were excellent.  He got his stitches removed.  Everett gained an impressive 6 oz since discharge and the doctor was thrilled.  He will have a checkup with his pediatrician and cardiologist in Edmond next week.  Please pray for him to eat well and to continue to gain weight.  He has 3 lbs to go to catch up to Eli! We are so thankful to be home and to be reunited with Elijah.  Thank you for sharing in this journey with us.  We are truly blessed.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting on this blog. It was great to follow you in this journey. So glad you're home.
